hiya! my name's stereo, bubble or basil! any of those will work __
my pronouns r he/it + any neos/xenos!! im a trans gay boy and im white, tme and a minor !
i like: cats, the colors pink and yellow, prozzak, uglydolls, psychonauts and more!
i dislike: oysters, boredom, repetition, math, homophobia, transphobia and more !

byf: i use cat puns sometimes, i am critical of my interests, i tend to misspell stuff from time to time, i swear... i probably have autism and/or adhd
dni: basic dni stuff, dni if ur here to bully me or my interests, or just be mean to me in general like,, if u dont like me just dont int w me,, its commonn sense - also NSFW DNI!!! im a minor

HOO okay,, so a list of characters i identify with would be:
- razputin (psychonauts)
- stereo monovici (space goofs)
- jeremy fitzgerald (fnaf)
- rina tennoji (love live)
- ele.os (jakeneutron)
- vee (toh)
these r all only kin! /g i do take kinning seriously though, doubles of these pls dni
otherkin list:
- cat
- fox
- zombie
- sea monster
- robot
- vampire
fellow otherkinnies of these pls interact!! id like to meet u guys :D
uhuh my genders r:
- lovecoric
- spacecoric
- cathoard
so if u used neos related to those itd b appreciated :3